September 12, 2006

state of the union

friends, oh dear friends, how i've missed you. let's never be apart this long ever again, agreed?

what can i say? i've neglected my blog. i've opened up cans of worms only to leave them squirming about the floor. quite simply, i've failed you. and i'm sorry.

apollo 13 vs. open water...this was never resolved. the flaming lips battle never occurred. and i've been meaning to say something about Burger King forever.

well friends, i haven't forgotten. Napkin Sketches will be flowing with two or three new essays a week, just like in the good ol' days. now you have one more place to surf while killing time at work.

and in honor of my recommitment to Napkin Sketches, i've changed the look of the place. i hope you like it.

your humble servant,

the glide

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