July 11, 2006

mini sketches: thank you, zinedine!

While the world continues to begrudge the great Zinedine Zidane for ramming an Italian futball player in the chest with his head during the World Cup Championship game, I want to go in an opposite direction and say thank you to Zidane for doing exactly what every non-italian would've liked to have done.

For those who didn't follow the World Cup, Team Italia will best be remembered for its constant flopping (read: cheating), its shifty characters, and its overall ugly style of soccer. They may have won the World Cup, but I ask you, brothers and sisters, at what cost did it come?

Sensing a grave injustice was lurking in the near future, Zinedine did what any sensible man or woman would have done: he used his head as a battering ram and knocked an Italian to the ground. And I, for one, am grateful for the sacrifice Mr. Zidane made. In the blink of an eye, he single-handedly restored decency to our world, if only for a short time. So thank you, Zinedine Zidane. I will name my first born after you.

And a final word to Italy: you're sinking under water.

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