now let me make my point, plain and simple: if you truly enjoyed "transformers" and you're over the age of 18, kill yourself. you're worthless and brainless.
you're the kind of person who regards your childhood toys with awe and reverence, like somehow plastic ninja turtles and he-men and transforming cars are somehow profound objects worthy to be praised. i hate to be a buzz kill, but uh, they're just toys. for children.

but you people just couldn't wait to watch your little elementary school fantasy become reality on the big screen. WOW! the transformers are in a real live-action big budget movie!! i mean they're cars and they can switch into giant robots! and they fight each other! in a big summer movie!!
just stop.
this all must end. really. i mean, really. it's time, boys. it's time for us to grow up. let me say it again:
it's time for us to grow up. it's time for us to become men.
it's time for us to play fewer video games. it's time for us to watch fewer superhero movies. more than that, it's time we stop enjoying these movies. because you see, i talked to a lot of people who spoke highly of "transformers," and for the life of me i can't understand where they're coming from. all i can figure is that these people wanted to like the movie because of their 80's nostalgia. and that's the part i can't understand.
was life so good when we were kids - were the toys so good? - that some of us still display them in our homes like decorations?
don't get me wrong. there is a time and a place for toys and video games and all the like. i just think its time we stop letting this shit define our generation. my grandpa's generation fought against a great evil in the world and prevailed. they are now called The Greatest Generation. in contrast, we are a generation of coddled adolescents in adult bodies who speak the language of pop culture. in fact, we should call ourselves Generation Pop Culture, because as far as i can tell that's the only legacy we're leaving behind so far, our universal love and understanding of all things pop.
it's junk food for the mind and if saying so makes me an elitist, so be it.
"transformers" was a horribly told story on every level, and if we as adults can't recognize this then maybe it's too late for us as a people. maybe we've crossed the pop culture point-of-no-return. maybe all the brain junk food has caught up to many of us and made our brains fat and useless once and for all. maybe "transformers" really does signal the beginning of the end.

this last picture speaks volumes. i had a few friends go to novi's comic-con and i WARNED them that they would turn into "comic book guy." poor bastards.
So you'r saying that in order for us to be important contributing members of society, we have to hate everything we grew up on? I don't see whats wrong with still likeing super hero movies, saturday morning cartoons, playing video games and all things of that sort. You can do all that and still be a college educated, functioning member of society, with a good job. i still have my ninja turtle and He-Man toys from way back when. does that mean im condemmed to grow up to be the "commic book guy" from the Simpsons? Don't judge everyone based on your hate for one lousy movie.
While his commentary is a wee bit strident, I belive young master R has smacked the proverbial nail on the head. Sarcasm Glide? No irony here Sparky. This is simply an idictment of an irrelevant generation. Yes Winston...Irr-freakn'-relevent. You, dear man-child, are exactly what is being indicted here. Functioning member of society? It would be interesting to hear what "functioning member" means to you. I know it's a fairly subject concept, but I am curious to know what a Ninja-Turtle He-Man Cartoon Watching Video Playing person defines as "functioning." Maybe you can ask your Mom and Dad next time they come down to do laundry.
hahaha that is great RP. I love when you get all wound up!
JCS, my dear old friend, you sum up my response to winston perfectly. however, winston and I do agree about one thing: transformers is lousy.
i agree with the general point of this. when people care more about paris hilton going to jail/getting release/going back to jail then going to work in the morning, we have a problem. however, some of what "winston" said is true. though he sounds like an idiot i do think that sometimes its ok to not completely grow up as long as its done responsibly. if on a saturday afternoon you want to relax by watching aladdin, or playing your playstation 3 go for it. just as long as your not 32, unemployed, living in your parents basement and bragging about your internet girlfriend. nobody likes that guy.
Now here's the interesting conundrum: You say Transformers blows, Winston-The-Man-Child says it blows, and two other people whose cinematic opinions I trust say it was GRRREAT. But that's besides the point. I think the Transformers are only the tip of the Imperial Decline Iceberg. As a nation and as a culture, we've been sliding to Armeggedon for 30 years (yes, for those of you keeping score, that includes Democrins and Republocrats). The Empire of the United States is a faded and nasty starlet desperatly trying to get the lighting right for their closeup (blah, blah, blah, Sunset Boulevard. I know) A wise person mentioned the other day that saddest statement on American culture came when more people voted for Sanjaya than who voted in the last presidential election. Need we say more? The big monkey brains are smoothing out kids, and we can't even figure out how to climb back into the trees.
I dont understand what all of your problems are. Transformers is a good solid family friendly movie. You'r all wrong! Bottom line however, the movie has you talking about it and that's money in the bank for old Optimus here.
Just kidding! My movie is horrible!
Sorry to everyone who saw it. I'm sorry for making it.
O. Prime
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