i've enjoyed a cold, lonely winter and now it is time to begin again the journey we started years ago. i'm reminded of walt's ghost who once told a wounded john locke to get up because there was still work to be done. indeed there is, walt.
my friends, napkin sketches has been a formless forum of free thought for the entire duration of its existence. while this template may never die entirely, i have decided to shift ever so slightly towards a new path. free thought will always reign, but now it will reign within the confines of the arts. yes, i believe we are headed towards the art appreciation phase of Napkin Sketches. here we will not be boring criticizers of art. instead we seek to roll around in great art, to enjoy it, and to champion it.
the next phase begins very soon with a look at the brilliant neko case and her new album, middle cyclone.
what's that you say? i've becoming boring and soft? well my friends you are mistaken. i have always been very boring and extremely soft.
whatever. it's a stupid blog. let's just see where this takes us.