katie couric ruined this woman over the past few weeks, from seeing russia from her backyard to not reading any newspapers to not knowing anything about america's legal history. she was exposed as a know-nothing fraud. i guess in a best-case-scenario for the debate tonight, people who loathe her like myself wish she had stumbled as thoroughly as she repeatedly did with couric.
but that was never going to happen tonight. the debate format limited follow-up questioning and moderator gwen ifill was rarely confrontational with the candidates. in essence, if you're palin and you don't know how to answer a question you simply fill the silence with words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words no matter how loosely they pertain to the question. SHE DID THE SAME THING WITH COURIC, except here's the difference: couric challenged her to go beyond the words with specifics which is the moment she looked down and realized she was walking on air.

that moment never came tonight, so she continued to walk on air i guess. biden is largely to blame for this because it was his job to call her out for dodging questions and he never did because he was playing Prevent Defense. whatever. joe was good otherwise.
in short, we're [hopefully] a just over a month away from never having to think about sarah palin again (that is, until she pops up on 'dancing with the stars' next season). and just for the record before i go on strike from ever talking about her again, i openly root for palin's failure because she represents the worst in the 'american voter.' those who would support her show an uncanny display of disdain for the power of the presidency and the seriousness of the job. they will say she is charming. relatable. has a nice smile. energetic. milf.
to those i would direct them to lauren graham, aka. the mom on gilmore girls. she is all those things and then some. which reminds me what a shame it is that gilmore girls had to rush through its final season a few years ago instead of getting the proper send-off it deserved. maybe it makes me a gay-wad for admitting gilmore girls was a &%#$ing good show, but i don't care. and now i'm starting to think they should bring it back for one last season and chronicle the meteoric rise of mama gilmore as she wins mayor of her small town and stumbles into the governor's mansion shortly thereafter, only then to be called by a floundering presidential candidate for her help. "just be cute," he says. "we'll take care of the rest." i.e. we'll blame the media bias for all your shortcomings, we'll shield you from the public as much as possible, and we'll lobby the debate commission for a format where the vp candidates can't directly address one another. the conservative base will declare you the new reagan, which will remind us just how phony reagan actually was. and together we will maverick our way to the white house.
whatever. sarah palin sucks. the end.